Nashille Vocal Studio

Brand Identity Design
Website Design
Collateral Design
In Collaboration with Strange Salt
CreatorSage Archetypes
When Amber Mogg Cathey, founder of Nashville Vocal Studio, expanded her studio's traditional in-person offerings to include digital, asynchronous, and course-based vocal learning, she sought a way to concisely and clearly highlight the variety of programs the studio offers.

Using a strategic approach, we built a brand identity suite that ties together Nashville Vocal Studio's various services while highlighting the team's creative approach and extensive expertise.

Because Nashville Vocal Studio's marketing approach focuses on extensive content creation and marketing, we created a flexible visual system that enables the team to craft ample social media assets. With refined and dynamic patterns and illustrations, Nashville Vocal Studio can continuously expand its course offerings and create new resources while offering a beautiful, bold user experience that never gets old.

With this refined brand identity, Nashville Vocal Studio has gained a toolkit that will grow with them as they continue to expand and evolve.

Discover your brand's personality type

Are you a lover, an outlaw, a magician, or something else entirely? Find your brand personality with our free brand archetype assessment. You'll learn how to bring more character to your business and build a more meaningful connection with your audience.